Join the Swing Left team!
At Swing Left, elections are our thing. We're building a lasting culture of grassroots participation in winning elections for the Left by making it as easy as possible for anyone to have maximum impact on the elections that determine the balance of power in our country.
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What we value
Constructive action
We believe that action towards a goal is the antidote to anger and despair. Our entire community is brought together by a focus on what we can all do to effect positive change in the near and long term.
We value collaboration and effective teamwork. We know progress is more sustainable when the work is done with others. We’re committed to being generous and helpful at every level of our community, from our staff, to our volunteers and donors, to the progressive movement as a whole.
Diversity, equity, and inclusivity
We work towards fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture and a greater sense of belonging. We recognize that this work does not have a finish line and requires daily, active effort across our community, from the individual team member and volunteer to the organization itself.
We help people make better decisions about how to spend limited time, effort, and resources to help Democrats win. We prioritize impact today and impact tomorrow, ensuring that our team, community, and campaigns have the internal and external resources they need to succeed, now and sustainably over the long haul.
Why we do this work
Elections are year-round work. We invest continually in communities and organizers to build the long-term infrastructure necessary to gain and hold power for Democrats because we cannot expect to drop in every two or four years and have the trust and organization we need to win.
We’ve all got to show up. Even in the best of times, civic engagement at a massive scale is necessary to ensure a government that reflects the will of the American people. As we face the threat of a GOP that increasingly sees its path to power through subverting that will, we must drive towards a level of participation that is even broader, deeper, and more sustained.
Elect Democrats to strengthen democracy. We recognize that as a country, we have a long way to go to build a government and society that serves the interests of all Americans, but also that an empowered Democratic Party is critical to move us forward.
Winning isn’t everything—but it’s a start. Swing Left’s specific contribution towards tangible, positive change in our country is winning elections against Republicans. To do that, we focus our efforts on winning the swing races that deliver and keep power for all Democrats.
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Email your questions about open positions to [email protected]. Please note that the best way to express interest in an open position is to submit an application—this is the most effective way for our team to review and process applications fairly and efficiently.