Target U.S. House race

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We need to hold this seat.

Rep. Mike Levin

democrat (Incumbent)


Has championed legislation to protect the environment, fight against climate change, and develop renewable energy.

Fought to bring millions of dollars in transportation investment to Southern California.

Introduced dozens of bills to improve access to veteran services, including housing and education, as Representative for Camp Pendleton.

Brian Maryott

republican (Challenger)

Would support a Republican-initiated nationwide abortion ban.

Wants to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and has endorsed plans that would endanger the insurance of 47,000 Californians in CA-49.

Would rubber stamp the Republican Party’s extreme right-wing agenda.

Volunteer Spotlight:

Mete / Philadelphia, PA

"I recently did team-building events with my groups in Delaware and New Jersey who are both interested in flipping Pennsylvania. Everyone is ready to go and fully motivated."