March for Science

The March for Science is taking place throughout April, with most events taking place on Saturday, April 14th in hundreds of locations.

If you're heading to a march, you can protest and  help flip the House. Spread the word about Swing Left at the march. Sign up volunteers, or direct people to to find their closest Swing District and get involved.

Check out the guide—plus protest signs and flyers you can print yourself.

Check Out Our Guide


Post-card sized flyers. Print these out to hand out at events. They can be printed at home, via a local printer or on

Flyer Thumbnail

Black and white version.


8.5" x 11" signs can be printed on a standard piece of letter-sized paper. Assemble-at-home signs can be printed on multiple sheets of letter-sized paper and cut and pasted to a standard-sized poster board, which is 22" by 28".

Sign Thumbnail

Sign Thumbnail

Assemble-at-home poster board version.

Twenty-one Republican incumbents from Swing Districts have made public statements rejecting established climate science. You can post these images to social media or print them for a march.

Sign Thumbnail


2.5’ x 6’ banners. These are great for carrying in a march, draping at the front of a table, or hanging up in a booth. Produce with a local printer or at

Sign Thumbnail

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